
While I was on the internet like any other day, I suddenly thought of how cool laundromats are in foreign countries. I`ve seen movies where people meet at laundromats and they fall in love. So while I was daydreaming, I went on to Google for laundromats in Singapore.

I remember seeing a couple of them growing up but then I had no need for them. I was actually pretty surprised to find out that there were quite a number of them on this tiny island and the nearest one to me was pretty near indeed. While I don`t think falling in love at a laundromat was going to happen, I surely didn`t want to be there doing laundry on my own. So, I dragged “A” along with me.

We went a WonderWash outlet at Bukit Batok on a Thursday night after my closing shift at work. We thought that it would be fun to wash our clothes at night when there were likely to be lesser people around. When we got there, we unloaded all our dirty clothes into one of the washing machines that was there.

DSC_0001 (1)There`s all sorts of option you can choose from. The cheapest was $5 and the maximum load was 11kg. I think that`s a pretty good price. Plus, they provide the detergent for you too. We went for the $6 Normal wash option that had the softener.

DSC_0002They only accept $1 coins for their machines. You don`t have to worry about change because there`s a machine there as well where you can change your dollar notes to coins.

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The wash took about 40 minutes. There`s a counter on the machine you let you know how long more you have. The machine also indicates which stage your laundry is on. I went around the place to look at all the signs they had pasted on the wall.


This one`s pretty standard, I guess. Since no one is there to man the place, they have to remind customers to keep the place as clean as possible. They also have a table to explain the load, cost and time.


Then there`s the instructions on how to use the machines. Which we read thoroughly so we don`t destroy our laundry.

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They had chairs like those you see at Polyclinics and what I personally loved were the “20 minute fans”. You hit the buttons and the ceiling fans switches on. After 20 minutes, they will automatically switch off and you will need to hit the button again. I just think it`s a clever way to save electricity without compromising comfort for the customers.

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When our laundry was done, we had to quickly take them out of the washing machine and get them into the dryer without dripping water all over the floor. We selected the highest temperature for the dryer and let it run for 25 minutes which cost us $5 (every 5 minutes costs $1).


Although the place provided laundry baskets, we were skeptical how clean they were. To be safe, we didn`t use them.


By the time our laundry was dry and we`ve folded them nicely, it was past 1am. I would say it was a fun experience and I wouldn`t mind doing it again. I think it`s pretty worth it especially if you have got a lot of laundry and sharing the cost with 1 or more people. And if you think it`s a waste of money to use the dryer, just bring your laundry home and you can simply air dry them the traditional way.

You can visit http://wonderwash.com.sg/ to see if there`s one near you. Judging from the pictures on the website, each outlet would be slightly different. It`s 24/7 and convenient. Share with us your experience if you decide to visit one!



Movie Review :: Everybody’s Business feat. SY

This movie review is proudly brought to you by fourpl4y, written by a kind voice. Thank you for your contribution.


(Picture credit to http://stcommunities.straitstimes.com)

Local film junkies rejoice! A brand new film has hit theatres. Everybody’s Business takes place in modern day Singapore revolving around the lives of a government inspector and a couple of coffee shop owners and patrons.

Here’s what we like about the film:

1) It has a star-studded cast
When you have comedians like Gurmit Singh, Kumar and Mark Lee in one film, you know for sure it’s going to be good. Look out for stars Dennis Chew, YouTube star Tan Jian Hao and Nadiah M Din as they make cameo appearances in the show

2) It is multi-racial
While most of the languages spoken are Mandarin and dialect, other languages can be heard as well. Though the movie comes with English subtitles, I feel it would be good if you can understand some of the phrases in dialect as the jokes would come off more hilarious.

3) It’s executively produced by Jack Neo!
Maybe I’m a little biased here but Jack Neo’s films hardly disappoint. I love his movies from Liang Po Po to the Ah Boys To Men series. Initially, I thought it was disgusting that the movie decided to focus on matters in the bathroom. But as the movie progresses, I was able to see some of the messages that the director tries to weave into the film.Some may think it’s propaganda, I think it’s basic public education – flushing the toilet.

Everybody’s Business is a movie to catch with the family, not when you’re out on a date. You will expect yourself to be laughing but not hard enough to roll off your seat. Having said that, do watch it and support our local film.



Children’s Festival at Gardens By The Bay

Helloooooooo everyone! How are you doing? 

For this article, I will be telling you more about an event that happened which is close to my heart. I enjoying performing and watching performances, so I will be writing about my thoughts on performances I have watched. Hopefully, you can share your thoughts on the performances too!

If you were at Gardens By The Bay last weekend, you would have witnessed some performances happening at both the Flower Dome and Cloud Forest! At this Children’s Festival, visitors got a chance to let their inner child out at various craft workshops at The Canopy. I managed to witness 4 lovely and colourful performances, which were all very well received, for the young and young at heart. 

So, why was I there at a Children’s Festival? Well, let’s just say I was stressed out of my bones and decided to have a change of scenery!

It started from just outside the Flower Dome. The sun was out, and it truly was a beautiful day. The Story of the Buttercup was told here. The piece, ensemble heavy as it was, arrested the audience’s attention as the actors brought them through the Old Woman’s quest in search of the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. I personally enjoyed the moments where the audience interacted with the actors. It was so engaging that I was hoping for more when it ended. I slowly made my way down to the next venue for the next item.

The next piece happened at the Waterfront Promenade, where the story of The Sunflower was told. The actors were all dressed in colourful costumes and the props were all simply dazzling! The piece itself was very physical, though that only seemed to thrill the children more. I was so busy wondering how all the props and costumes were made that I was disappointed when the show came to an end. 

In the Flower Dome, the story of The Christmas Rose was told. If you haven’t been inside the Flower Dome, I suggest you grab a ticket and go! If you are a nature lover, or just enjoy looking at flowers from all around the world, this is definitely the place for you. The place is like a giant greenhouse, it is clean and just looking around relaxes you instantly. Bring your cameras if you must! This is a good place to unwind. Imagine watching a story told in this mystical place. Believe me, I personally enjoyed this piece the most because it is so naturalistic. The story was simple, told by a Grandmother, and the dance between the Pine Tree and the Christmas Rose (who are humans embodying the characters mind you) was brilliant. 

The story of how shooting stars came about was told in the midst of the beautiful Cloud Forest. Compared to the Flower Dome, this one is a bit more thrilling. Why? You could go all the way up and ‘tree-top walk’ down a few levels. Definitely not for the acrophobic people (yes, that’s me). I will definitely go back to this place as I didn’t get the time to explore it in detail. The Shooting Stars story was really physical, a nice contrast from the naturalistic Christmas Rose story. The costumes were simple, and the headgear for the shooting stars were definitely very very cute. 

In all my excitement, I forgot to take photos! Urgh! If you are looking for a relaxing day with nothing to do, go on down to the Gardens! Go alone, go with your friends, families, whoever! Go see the Christmas Sugar Mountain! Who knows? You might actually win something while you’re there!

The Children’s Festival is still on-going! Visit this link to see what else they have in store for you! 

So, what do you do on your down days? Leave a comment and we can discuss about it! 



IFLY?! Let’s Fly!!

Hey guys. Welcome to the first chapter of fourpl4y. Today……. Let’s all fly!! Well I made my first visit to iFly Sentosa recently and it was awesome. It is situated right beside the beach station in Sentosa. You wouldn’t miss it if you take the Express in.  iFly allows you to experience skydiving without having to get on a plane and it is the world’s first largest themed wind tunnel for skydiving!!

The moment you set foot into the building, you will be greeted by a large screen monitor which showcases the cool moves of flying. You can already feel the excitement before anything even started. We were there around 1100am, so it wasn’t crowded at all. At the front counter, you can purchase the tickets straight away (that is, if they have any available slots). Best is to book your slots online or give them a call beforehand. It may be a little pricey, but it will be a good experience.

Admission rates: 

2 Skydives                                            Off Peak Period*:                                         Super Off Peak Period^:

$99 / Adult                                            $89/ Adult                                                     $79/ Adult
$90 / Youth(Below 18 years old)          $80/ Youth (Below 18 years old)                   $70/ Youth (Below 18 years old)

Before you get started, there are some forms you will need to fill up. The form is to acknowledge that you fit the flight criteria and are aware of the risks involved. Just reading that form got me thinking of what trouble am I getting myself into.

After finishing off the all paperwork, we were ushered to a room to watch a five minutes video about iFly. It was the cutest video of flying I had ever watched. The cartoons were just too adorable and it kinda got us all very excited. Then we move off to another room. This was where we first meet our instructor. Here, he briefed us of what to expect and what to do during the flights. We were also to familiarize ourselves with all the ‘hand signals’ that he would be using while guiding us throughout the flight.

Fifteen minutes had passed and we ended our ‘lesson’. We were then lead to another level to get our gears. As we got to the upper level, we saw for the first time, the largest wind tunnel in the world. The adrenaline started to pump. There were already other flight instructors in the tunnel doing their moves. It was really cool. We were all awed by it. We were given our gears to put on. Lockers are available to keep our valuable items. it is big enough to share with your friends.

Before entering the tunnel, our instructor inspected our gears to ensure safety. Earplugs are in and helmet is securely fasten and we are good to go! We took our flights one by one. As we were all first timer, we didn’t have the time to do any stunts. Hey, we could barely stay afloat!! Slowly, the instructor guided us in as the fan started to spin. Well forget about the butterflies in my stomach, my tummy practically shrunk for that moment. It was really hard to stay afloat. We began to forget what we had learnt in the lesson earlier. All the hand signals meant nothing as we all had forgotten what it meant. The first dive went badly for all of us.

After everyone went for the first dive, the instructor recapped with us what we were suppose to do and what the hand signals mean. For the second dive, everyone seemed more confident. Again like before, we dived in one by one. This time, we all passed with flying colours. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE managed to stay afloat. Some even went higher. The feeling was so great that I am now confident that I can go for the real skydive. It was amazing. We could snap a good-looking pictures of us while flying. All of us were proud of each other. Before we ended our session, our instructor showed some moves of his own. It was fantastic. We really had a blast.

We were allowed to take pictures with flight gears. Hahaha.. We definitely came up with a lot of fantastic poses in them. Before leaving, we were presented with our first Flying Ceriticate by our instructor. Truth be told, I am very proud of myself. Hey that’s the closest thing I’ll ever get to skydiving. You can also purchase the pictures that the camera snapped of you and also any flying merchandises at their retail store.

The entire session, from the beginning you set foot in, to the time you leaving, takes about around two hours. Even though it was just two hours, i had a great time with my friends creating memories that we be laughing at in the future. Hahahaha… So guys, give it a try. Hey, who knows, it might just become your own new hobby. Go checkout their website to see what they got to offer..>< So what do you think?? Do drop me your comment to share your views about it… 🙂



Ho ho ho!

We will be doing a GIFTaway for Christmas soon!

You will be rewarded with:

3 Food Goodies (TBA)
A Christmas Postcard

Here are the simple steps to win:

  • Leave a comment on this post with your answer to

         “What is the BEST way to celebrate Christmas?”

  • Include your name and email address


  • Take a picture of you enjoying yourself!
  • Tag @fourpl4y
  • Hashtag #fourpl4yxmas

Contest ends on 19 December, 2013 @ 1159hrs

 4 winners will be chosen
Winners will be notified by 20 Dec, 2013
Winners will have 48 hours to reply before it is forfeited and given to the next deserving winner
For your info, food comes from a Halal kitchen and non vegetarian



The birth of this blog came about when the 3 of us met at a ONE OK ROCK concert. This blog will cover 3 main areas of interest – Food, Crafts & Events.

Our Facebook page is not up yet but you can follow us on Instagram (@fourpl4y). Updates on this blog will happen every Tuesday at 2000hrs, Thursday at 2000hrs and Sunday 0000hrs.

This blog is more of a personal outlet for us. We want to keep things simple, fun and engaging. Look forward to more posts soon!

Here`s a little introduction to the 3 writers on this blog ;

I am L, a full-time audiophile, performing artist, and a part-time nerd. I enjoy listening to music, baking delicacies and performing in front of a crowd. I love to explore and learn new things! People watching is very fun, especially when they wear a funny expression on their face. While I am generally accepting of all kinds of people, I really cannot stand people without an open mind. So feel free to share your opinions here! I’m sure we’ll all enjoy a hearty discussion from all perspectives” – L

I have always considered myself a creative individual. I love being loud – not with noise but with my appearance and expression. I enjoy all forms of art, from theater to crafts to baking. They can be rather therapeutic at times. I just dislike the fact that I enjoy so many things that I am ‘Jack of all trades, Master of none’. It makes it rather difficult for me to find a job. Nonetheless, life is fair and I am not complaining (not yet)” – Y

Hey guys, welcome to fourpl4y where we are all about having fun. Personally, I’m all about having fun. I like trying out new things (be it food or activities or even places). It’s always an adventure with me. But don’t get me wrong, I do have a daytime job. I’ve always believed in working hard, playing hard. Like my life motto always say, “Life is good.” So don’t stress yourself and enjoy what life has to bring. So keep following us to see what fun we’ve been up to. Do keep your comments coming in so we can hear what you’ve gotta say!! I hope you guys will enjoy reading our post as much as we enjoy writing them” – A